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Contact Age Cymru

We're here for you

To help us direct your enquiry, please click on the button below which best describes your enquiry. This will provide you with the relevant contact details. We'll get back to you as quickly as possible.

I’m looking for advice

Age Cymru Advice is committed to being the foremost information and advice service to older people in Wales. Age Cymru Advice provides confidential, impartial and expert information and advice to older people, their families, friends, carers and professionals throughout Wales.

If you want to talk to someone directly, call us on 0300 303 44 98 - Monday to Friday between 9am and 4pm. You can also email us at: – we’ll be happy to assist you.

Please include your location in your email as this will help us to deal with your enquiry more efficiently.

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I have a general enquiry

Please contact us by calling our team on 029 2043 1555 (Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm) or by emailing - we'll be happy to assist you.

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I’m interested in volunteering

Our volunteers give their time and effort to make a difference to older people's lives. We have a variety of roles meaning your bound to find something to suit you.

Browse our volunteering roles

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I have a media enquiry

If you're planning a story on later life (aged 50+) in Wales, Age Cymru is here to help.

Age Cymru provides a seven day a week response service to media enquiries through a dedicated press telephone line. (8am to 8pm weekdays and 9am to 5pm on weekends).

To speak to our press team please phone us on 07739 894923 or email

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I’d like to make a donation

If you’d like to ask a question about an existing or new gift, you can contact us by email: or you can call our Fundraising team on 029 2043 1555 (Monday to Friday 9am - 4pm).

To make a regular or one-off donation please visit our donation page

For more information about how you can support our work please visit our Get Involved section. 

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Write to us

You can write to us at:

Age Cymru
Ground Floor
Mariners House
Trident Court
East Moors Road
Cardiff, CF24 5TD

Write to our HOPE (Helping others participate and engage) project

Age Cymru
St Andrews Park
Queens Lane
Flintshire, CH7 1XB

Social media

You can talk to us on our social media channels.

Age Cymru on Facebook

Age Cymru on X

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