How your company can help Age Cymru
Help Age Cymru to be there for older people during these uncertain times. The support and services we provide is now more vital than ever, so we need your company to help us be there for the millions of older people, many of them alone, during this national crisis.
The need is growing
In these challenging times, there are more older people turning to Age Cymru for support, and we are working around the clock to be there for the people who need us. Unfortunately, these same challenges are also threatening our local services, due to the immense pressure on staff, volunteers and suppliers across the country.
To help meet this need, Age Cymru urgently needs financial support from companies like yours. These funds will help us to:
- Meet the growing demand on our free information and advice line – calls are up by 200% and this is expected to rise – so that we can provide expert advice and support to all older people, their carers and families.
- Continue to provide our Check-in and chat service which enables us to give comfort and reassurance to older people facing long periods of isolation.
- Provide additional funds to our local Age Cymru partners to ensure they continue to provide local support on the frontline, such as food parcel deliveries, shopping services, over-the-phone support and prescription collections.
To keep these vital services running, while meeting unprecedented additional demand, Age Cymru has launched a £500,000 appeal, and we need your help.
How you can help
Your company can donate to Age Cymru. This crisis is constantly evolving, and as Age Cymru responds to the ever-changing needs of older people, corporate donations can make a massive difference. We've launched an emergency appeal
Show your staff and customers how to donate too. We know that the general public are willing to help, and we need your help in spreading the word. You can help us to do this by sharing our emergency appeal with your staff and customers. Please help us to get this appeal out there and raise awareness of Age Cymru’s vital work.
Share these practical tips for supporting older people in the community. In this time of crisis we all need to support older people in our communities, in a safe and responsible way. We have put together some ways that you can help older people in local communities. Please share these with your staff or customers to enable them to support older people in their doorstep.