Adaptations and equipment to make home tasks easier
If you want to stay independent in your own home for longer, there are adaptations that could make your everyday life easier.
Here are just a few examples to give you an idea of what may be available:
I need help accessing my home
- A ramp or hand rails for the front door
- Outdoor lights for better visibility
I need help moving around my home
- A stairlift or wheelchair lift
- Grab rails or a second bannister
- Newel rails to help you turn the corner around the stair post
- Repositioning or widening doors for wheelchair access
I need help with bathing
- A shower seat or bath lift
- A level access shower
- A removable bath board to help you in and out of the bath
- Flood detectors
I need help in the kitchen
- A kettle tipper
- Cupboards with pull-out shelves for easy access
- A one-handed chopping board
- A board with a clamp to secure bottles and tins as you open them
- A wheelchair accessible sink
I need help getting up
- A rising or reclining chair
- Hoists to help you get in and out of bed
I have low vision
- Clocks or watches with a clear and bold or tactile display
- Talking clocks or watches
- Portable scanners to read labels or barcodes on items aloud
I have difficulty hearing
- A pager that vibrates when the phone or doorbell rings
- Indicators which flash lights when the smoke alarm sounds
I’m worried about falls and safety
- A personal alarm
- Pressure sensors
- Gas and carbon monoxide detectors
- Remote control plugs and lighting, so you don’t have to bend down to switch plugs on and off
I need help managing my medicines
- Medication dispensers which sound an alarm and dispense your medication when it’s due
- Dosette boxes which help you to arrange your medication and keep track of when it’s due
Further information
- Factsheet 42w: Obtaining disability equipment and home adaptations in Wales (PDF, 957 KB)
- Factsheet 41w: Social care assessments for older people with care needs in Wales (PDF, 1007 KB)
- Information Guide 17: Adapting your home (PDF, 3 MB)
- Factsheet 67w: Home improvements and repairs for older people in Wales (PDF, 1004 KB)
What should I do next?
Arrange a care needs assessment
Contact your local council to arrange a care needs assessment to see if you qualify for any free specialist equipment and home adaptations.
For more information call Age Cymru Advice on 0300 303 44 98