2011 Census highlights ageing population
Published on 18 July 2012 11:30 AM
Commenting on the publication of the results of the 2011 Census, which highlights that our population is ageing, Graeme Francis, Head of Policy and Public Affairs at Age Cymru says:
"These figures confirm what we've known for a number of years - that people are living longer. Large numbers of people are also enjoying much better health in later life and these trends are clearly something to be celebrated.
"Preparing for and responding to an ageing population will require some changes to services, particularly in areas such as Conwy where the proportion of older people in the community is higher.
"For example, social care services are coming under increasing pressure at the current time and this is likely to continue as people live longer. It is vital that services are organised in a way which promotes preventative measures and helps people to get that ‘little bit of help' they need.
"Age Cymru is championing called lifetime neighbourhoods, which are communities that allow people to lead full and rewarding lives at any age, by providing them with access to the facilities and amenities that they need such aspublic toilets, public transport, public seating and accessible local shops.
"It must also be remembered that older people make major contributions to our society, both economically and through unpaid roles such as carers or voluntary work, and will continue to do so as healthy life expectancy improves. With responsible planning we will be able to adapt successfully to these changes and to enjoy the benefits that living longer provides to us as individuals and society as a whole."