The European Convention on Human Rights
Published on 04 September 2013 09:30 AM
Age Cymru is celebrating the 60th anniversary of the European Convention of Human Rights and to mark the occasion we've signed the letter below which appears in today's The Times.
Today marks the 60th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights coming into force.
As leaders of civil society organisations we think six decades of ensuring human rights for 800 million people across 47 countries in Europe is something to be celebrated.
For our organisations, and the people we work with across the UK, the rights and freedoms set out in the Convention are fundamental in ensuring all of us can live with dignity, respect and equality, safe in the knowledge that there are checks on Government power.
This "other jubilee" is also a time to celebrate 60 years of the UK's commitment to respecting, protecting and fulfilling the rights in the Convention.
The UK played a pivotal role in setting down our hard-won human rights in the Convention in the aftermath of World War II.
As Winston Churchill said when calling for a ‘Human Rights Charter', there is a need for a set of rights "guarded by freedom and sustained by law".
We call on our political leaders to secure our human rights heritage and stand firm on the UK's commitment to the Convention and its expression in the Human Rights Act.
Yours sincerely,
Stephen Bowen, Director, British Institute of Human Rights
Rob Taylor, Chief Executive, Age Cymru
Nuala Mole, Founder & Senior Lawyer, Aire Centre
Mike Henshaw, Head of Legal Services, Alternative Futures Group
Kate Allen, Director, Amnesty International UK
Andrew Sperling, Chairman, Association of Prison Lawyers
Ewan Roberts, Centre Manager, Asylum Link Merseyside
Dan Kenningham, National Coordination Team, ATD Fourth World
Davina James-Hanman, Director, AVA (Against Violence & Abuse)
Abdul Khan, Chief Executive Officer, BECON
Nik Barstow, Director of Engagement & Involvement, BHA for equality
Elizabeth Prochaska, Founder, Birthrights
Ann Chivers, Chief Executive, British Institute of Learning Disabilities
Lara Oyedele, Chair, BMENational
Joy Warmington, CEO, BRAP
Andrew Copson, Chief Executive, British Humanist Association
Emily Holzhausen, Director of Policy, Carers UK
Professor Katja Ziegler, Director, Centre of European Law and Internationalisation, University of Leicester
Paola Uccellari, Director, Children's Rights Alliance for England
Karen Chouhan, Chair, CORE
Dr Michele Lamb, Director, Crucible Centre for Human Rights Research, University of Roehampton
Liz Sayce OBE, Chief Executive Officer, Disability Rights UK
Barbara Cohen, Chair, Discrimination Law Association
Beryl Randall, Director, Employability Forum
Dr Dimitrina Petrova, Executive Director, Equal Rights Trust
Amanda Aris, Chief Executive, Equality and Diversity Forum
Katie Pratt, CEO, Equality South West
Ceri Goddard, CEO, Fawcett
Keith Best, CEO, Freedom from Torture
Zoe Whitwell, Director, Friends, Families and Travellers
Terry Reed, Trustee, Gender Identity Research and Education Society
Sam Smethers, Chief Executive, Grandparents Plus
Frances Crook, Chief Executive, Howard League for Penal Reform
Carole Ewart, Chair, Human Rights Consortium Scotland
Dr Damien Short, Director, Human Rights Consortium, University of London
David Mephan, UK Director, Human Rights Watch
Henrietta Doyle, Policy Officer, Inclusion London
Deborah Coles and Helen Shaw, Co-Directors, INQUEST
Lul Seyoum, Director, International Centre for Eritrean Refugees and Asylum Seekers
Shauneen Lambe, Director, Just for Kids Law
Ratna Lachman, Director, Just West Yorkshire
Andrea Coomber, Director, JUSTICE
Julie Bishop, Director, Law Centres Network
Alan Hunter, Chief Executive, Law Society of Northern Ireland
Paul Roberts, Chief Executive Officer, LGBT Consortium
Shami Chakrabarti, Director, Liberty
Eithne Rynne, CEO, London Voluntary Service Council
Eleanor Tomlinson, Health Advocacy Project, Manor Gardens Centre
Emma Mlotshwa, Coordinator, Medical Justice
Revd Ruth Gee, President of the Conference of the Methodist Church, Methodist Church in Britain
Zrinka Bralo, Executive Director, Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum - The Forum
Don Flynn, Director, Migrants' Rights Network
Pat Elsmie, Director, Migrants Rights' Scotland
Paul Farmer, CEO, MIND
Sarah Danily, Director, Mind in Brighton and Hove
Caroline Sagar, Chief Executive, n-compass North West
Deborah Jack, Chief Executive, NAT (National AIDS Trust)
Des Kelly OBE, Executive Director, National Care Forum
Faiza Khan, Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Policy and Communications, National Council for Voluntary Youth Services
Rob Greig, Chief Executive, National Development Team for Inclusion
Sarah Yiannoullou, Managing Director, NSUN Network for Mental Health
Kath Parson, Chief Executive, Older People's Advocacy Alliance (UK)
Karen Chandler, Projects Worker, Pembrokeshire People First
Vaughan Jones, Chief Executive, Praxis Community Projects
Ratna Dutt OBE, Chief Executive, Race Equality Foundation
Deborah Harris, Chief Operating Officer, Refugee Council
Shauna Leven, Director, René Cassin
Emma Scott, Director, Rights of Women
Susan Bryant, Director, Rights Watch (UK)
Dr Peter Carter, Chief Executive and General Secretary, Royal College of Nursing
Dr Rob Berkeley, Director, Runnymede Trust
Richard Hawkes, Chief Executive, Scope
Tom Baillie, Scotland's Commissioner for Children and Young People
Rachel Stewart, Policy and Campaigns Manager, Scottish Association for Mental Health
Robert Sutherland, Convenor, Scottish Legal Action Group
Durrah Mahmood, Trustee, Songololo Feet
Joe Korner, Director of External Affairs, Stroke Association
Yvonne MacNamara, CEO, the Traveller Movement
Alexandra Runswick, Director, Unlock Democracy
Penelobe Gibbs, Director, Transform Justice
Martin Coyle, Director, True Voice
Revd Roberta Rominger, General Secretary, United Reformed Church
Kunle Olulode, Director, Voice4Change England
Mohammed Razaq, Executive Director, West of Scotland Regional Equality Council Ltd
Joyce Kallevik, Director, Wish
Polly Neate, Chief Executive Officer, Women's Aid
Annie Campbell, Director, Women's Aid Federation Northern Ireland
Vivienne Hayes, Chief Executive Officer, Women's Resource Centre
Katie Smith, Chair, York Carers Forum
Tom Doyle, Chief Executive, Yorkshire MESMAC Group of Services