A message from Richard Nicholls
Published on 06 November 2013 11:30 AM
As we approach the colder months and the dark nights begin to set in, life can be harsh for many older people across Wales.
Thousands will live in just one room in their home to keep warm, many won't see another person for up to a month and others will rely on the television as their only company.
Tragically, more than one thousand older people in Wales died last year because of the cold.
That is why Age Cymru needs companies, individuals, and organisations to help us to ‘Spread the Warmth'.
One of the key events in this campaign is our Spread the Warmth Concert at the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama in Cardiff on November 28, featuring Trystan Llŷr Griffiths, Morriston Orpheus Choir and Howell's School Choir.
It would be great if people were to attend and bring along an older person - perhaps a relative or friend, to give them a wonderful start to the festive season.
All of the money we raise from our Spread the Warmth campaign will go to support older people through the winter.
If you can't attend the concert, but would like to ‘Spread the Warmth', why not organise a Winter Warmer?
We can send you a fundraising pack that's full of ideas to help you organise a Winter Warmer - just contact Age Cymru on 029 2043 1555 and ask to speak to Emma Lionel or Nia Butler for more information.
You can also request a pack by emailing fundraising@agecymru.org.uk
It is our collective duty to ensure that older people are not forgotten through the winter months, so let's all do our bit and ‘Spread the Warmth' this winter.
Yours sincerely,
Richard Nicholls, Director of Income Resources, Age Cymru