A 66 YEAR OLD Penarth man who beat cancer by keeping fit and healthy is backing a national campaign to encourage everyone to be positive about age.
Bob Ray is supporting Age Cymru's Age Positive Week which is celebrating International Day of Older Persons on 1 October by Nordic walking across the Cardiff Bay barrage.
"Shortly after retiring 11 years ago, I hit one of the biggest hurdles in my life after being diagnosed with prostate cancer", said Bob.
"Staying fit and healthy got me through the toughest stages of my recovery and made me realise how wonderful life is.
"Age Cymru's Nordic walking has transformed my life; it energises me and gives me an immense sense of well-being.
"I now appreciate everything that my life has to offer me, enjoying the great outdoors...it's definitely true, ‘age is only a number'."
The Minister for Health, Mark Drakeford AM, will be opening Age Cymru's Nordic walking event which Bob and 50 other walkers are expected to attend.
"Being ‘age positive' is a vital part of our vision to creating an age friendly Wales", said Victoria Lloyd, Age Cymru's Director of Influencing and Programme Development.
"Age Positive Week is a fantastic way for us all to celebrate the positive aspects of ageing and the contribution older people have made and continue to make to our communities.
"We believe this celebration is vital to counter the negative stereotyping of older people and the ageism that we all too often see, hear or experience in society.
"Join us by getting involved in Age Positive Week by finding out what's happening in your area - just visit www.agecymru.org.uk/agepositive for a list of the events."
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy is supporting Age Cymru's Nordic walking event urging over 50s to take a simple test that determines their risk of suffering a fall.
"Walking is one of the best forms of exercise and physiotherapists are always keen to encourage older people to get out and about and enjoy walking as a regular form of activity", said Debbie Richardson, Cardiff based physiotherapist representing the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) in Wales.
"It helps to maintain strong muscles and bones and plays an important part in helping people to stay at, or get to, a healthy weight.
"Nordic Walking brings added support through the special walking poles providing people with additional arm exercise and creating a wider base of support for enhanced stability whilst walking.
"That is why the CSP is so pleased to be supporting the event. Nordic Walking is a great way to stay active. "
Age Cymru is Wales' largest charity for older people - it works nationally and locally through its network of local charity partners to make Wales a place where older people can flourish.
Age Cymru is committed to achieving an age friendly Wales where older people have equal rights to respect, opportunities and the same access to services as the rest of the population.
Bob Ray from south Wales beat cancer by keeping fit and healthy and is backing our campaign to encourage everyone to be positive about age.
Bob, 66, is supporting Age Positive Week by Nordic walking across the Cardiff Bay barrage today to celebrate International Day of Older Persons.
"Shortly after retiring 11 years ago, I hit one of the biggest hurdles in my life after being diagnosed with prostate cancer", said Bob.
"Staying fit and healthy got me through the toughest stages of my recovery and made me realise how wonderful life is.
"Age Cymru's Nordic walking has transformed my life; it energises me and gives me an immense sense of well-being.
"I now appreciate everything that my life has to offer me, enjoying the great outdoors...it's definitely true, ‘age is only a number'."
The Minister for Health, Mark Drakeford AM, will be opening our Nordic walking event which Bob and 70 other walkers are expected to attend.
"Being ‘age positive' is a vital part of our vision to creating an age friendly Wales", said Victoria Lloyd, Director of Influencing and Programme Development.
"Age Positive Week is a fantastic way for us all to celebrate the positive aspects of ageing and the contribution older people have made and continue to make to our communities.
"We believe this celebration is vital to counter the negative stereotyping of older people and the ageism that we all too often see, hear or experience in society."
The Chartered Society of Physiotherapy is supporting our Nordic walking event.
"Walking is one of the best forms of exercise and physiotherapists are always keen to encourage older people to get out and about and enjoy walking as a regular form of activity", said Debbie Richardson, Cardiff based physiotherapist representing the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP) in Wales.
"Nordic Walking brings added support through the special walking poles providing people with additional arm exercise and creating a wider base of support for enhanced stability whilst walking."