Access to medicines on the NHS
Published on 21 November 2011 01:00 PM
Responding to media reports today that NHS patients in Wales can wait longer to have access to new medicines recommended by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) than those in England, Age Cymru's Graeme Francis says:
"New medicines can have an important role to play in keeping people well and treating illnesses.
"It is correct for prescribers to take an informed decision in providing the best evidence-based treatments available.
"In a world of limited resources we accept that cost-effectiveness must also play a role in decision-making, however it is concerning if the NHS in Wales is simply taking longer to provide medicines and treatments which have been approved by NICE.
"Overall, the NHS in Wales is facing major changes and it must be able to meet the needs of our ageing population now and in years to come."