Advertising Standards Authority boosts campaign
Published on 26 January 2015 09:00 AM
We're celebrating an important milestone in our campaign for better protection for older people from scams.
The Advertising Standards Authority- the UK's regulator of the advertising industry is raising awareness of our 'Scams and swindles' campaign to tackle the threat from scammers who steal millions from older and vulnerable people.
We have been campaigning for 18 months for national and local governments, plus private businesses, to create new protections for older and vulnerable people against scams.
Age Cymru's Campaigns Co-ordinator Gerry Keighley says:
"It is a major boost to have such a well-respected and authoritative body as the Advertising Standards Authority raising awareness of our campaign.
"It's important we highlight the need for more protection for vulnerable people and we hope that politicians and relevant businesses will take note of the need for change."
ASA's Director of Communications, Lynsay Taffe said:
"The majority of advertisers play by the rules but unfortunately some bogus operators deliberately target older and vulnerable people.
"It's not fair that older people are left out of pocket by fraudulent and scam mail.
"Our practical advice builds upon the work of Age Cymru to help to tackle this issue."
The ASA has created a list of top tips for older and vulnerable people who are targeted by scammers:
• Sign up to the Mail Preference Service for free on 0845 070 0707 to have your name and home address in the UK removed from lists used by the direct mail industry.
• If you have any doubts about the legitimacy of the mailing - do not reply.
• Your bank will never ask for your bank details - if an email is asking for them it's not genuine.
• Just because something says it's "official" doesn't mean it is.
• Just because the email address of the sender includes a brand or company doesn't mean it's genuine.
• If you are concerned about an email talk about it to someone such as friends, family or Citizens Advice. If the email tells you not to talk to anyone, it's a scam.
• Fill in the ASA's complaints form, if you are receiving unsolicited mail. The ASA can forward mailings from companies based outside the UK to their relevant Advertising Authority.