Age Cymru at Mardi Gras 2011
Published on 30 August 2011 10:30 AM
Age Cymru will be at the Cardiff Wales LGBT Mardi Gras 2011 this weekend.
We will have a stand at the event on Saturday 3 September to show our support for Wales' estimated 50,000 older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender over-50s.
Deborah Smith, Age Cymru's Engagement Manager says:
"Wales's 50,000 lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) older people make a positive contribution to society.
"Yet this is a group - particularly those people who come out in later life, who are at a high risk of being isolated in society, often because of a lack of understanding from family and other networks.
"We also know that older LGBT people sometimes face particular challenges when accessing social care and health services and can suffer discrimination because of a combination of their sexual orientation or gender identity and their age.
"And this is why it is so important that someone is speaking up for older LGBT people and supporting them to face some of the problems they experience in their day-to-day lives."
Age Cymru runs the Older Lesbian Gay Bisexual and Transgender Network - a group of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender older people, as well as national and local organisations.
The network works to support older LGBT people and campaigns to make sure that public policies and services are meeting the needs of older LGBT people.
Deborah Smith says:
"Age Cymru campaigns to uphold the rights and wellbeing of all older people in Wales - including our LGBT population.
"If you're at the Cardiff Wales LGBT Mardi Gras, please come to our stand and find out more about what Age Cymru and the Older LGBT Network can do for you.
"We're looking forward to meeting you and you'll receive a warm welcome from our friendly staff so make sure you pop along and say 'hello'."