Ann Clwyd MP
Published on 04 December 2012 05:00 PM
Commenting on the Ann Clwyd MP's description of her husband's death on a hospital ward as "[he] died like a battery hen", Age Cymru's Policy Advisor Amy Clifton says:
"Age Cymru is deeply saddened to hear Ann Clwyd's moving account of the poor standards of care her husband received in hospital which she believes caused his death, and we would like to send Ms Clwyd and her family our sincere condolences for their loss.
"We applaud Ms Clwyd for raising the complaint and speaking out publicly at this difficult time, to highlight the unacceptable treatment she witnessed.
"Sadly Age Cymru believe this case is not a one-off as too often we hear reports from older people and their families across Wales of patients in hospital receiving poor standards of care.
"In the worst cases such failings can constitute abuse and undermine basic human rights such as protection from degrading treatment, and the rights to privacy and preservation of life.
"Age Cymru is calling on the Welsh Government to work with health boards across Wales to urgently investigate and address the failings in standards of basic care in some hospitals.
"There must also be mandatory human rights and dignified care training for frontline health and social care staff in Wales to ensure that patients' dignity is always maintained."