Care sevices for disabled and vulnerable adults
Published on 07 November 2013 09:30 AM
Age Cymru fears disabled and vulnerable adults in Wales could potentially be left without the support and care they need in future.
We are responding to a statement from the Deputy Minister for Social Services on Tuesday about access to care services across Wales.
Gwenda Thomas said that it is likely that the national eligibility criteria in the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Bill will be set at the equivalent of a ‘substantial' level of need.
Age Cymru recognises that this is only the Deputy Minister's early view but we are concerned with this proposal.
We believe that the equivalent of ‘substantial' is too high a level of need to truly reflect the stated aims of the Bill and Sustainable Social Services.
Setting the bar at this level effectively shuts the door on people who need support to get up, get dressed and get out of the house.
Under the current system this is described as ‘moderate' needs, but without support these people can't live independently and risk falling into crisis.
If the eligibility criteria set by Welsh Government excludes those with ‘moderate' needs, many of those who cannot carry out everyday tasks such as washing, getting dressed and preparing food will be left without help or will have to pay for it themselves.
Denying social care support to those who need it can result in unnecessary hospital admissions, increased isolation, disabled people and their carers being forced out of the workplace, and carers struggling to cope.
We understand these are tough financial times but being supported to eat, wash and leave your home should be basic rights not luxuries.