Community arts grants for the over 50s
Published on 16 October 2017 02:30 PM
Age Cymru would like to invite your readers to get involved with our Wales-wide arts festival for the over 50s next May, by applying for a Gwanwyn community grant.
Grants of up to £500 are available to groups or individuals who want to deliver a creative activity during the Gwanwyn festival which runs throughout May 2018. The activities could involve painting, photography, music, drama or even storytelling, basically any creative activity involving the over 50s.
We welcome applications from a variety of community organisations including choirs, care homes, art groups, writers' groups - in fact any group that involves the over 50s in creative activities.
For a Gwanwyn community grant application form and information pack please visit and click the ‘Funding' tab. You can also request a pack by calling Age Cymru on 029 2043 1555.
The closing date for applications is Friday 8 December 2017.
The Gwanwyn Festival is run by Age Cymru with financial support from the Arts Council of Wales and the Welsh Government.
Yours sincerely,
Emma Robinson (Gwanwyn Festival Co-ordinator, Age Cymru)
Letter Issued by:
Michael Phillips
Communications Manager
Age Cymru
029 2043 1545 Mob: 07794 366224