CSSIW report response
Published on 20 January 2011 03:00 PM
Responding to the publication today of the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales' annual report, Victoria Lloyd - Director of Influencing and Programme Development at Age Cymru, says:
"We welcomes today's annual report by the Chief Inspector of the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW). We broadly agree with the report's analysis of the key issues and challenges facing care services in Wales.
"Whilst there have been some improvements in performance and delivery, inconsistencies in quality remain and must be addressed.
"Variations in the quality and scope of delivery of social services continues to be an issue and the quality of commissioning is mixed in adult services, with some inappropriate admissions, particularly for people with dementia.
"It also reports that quality assurance systems for regulated care settings are often weak.
"We strongly urge the Welsh Assembly Government and the CSSIW to work together to address these inconsistencies and weaknesses as a matter of priority.
"We welcome the fact that the report identifies quick response times for dealing with allegations of abuse, though we are very concerned that this is only the case in 'most local authorities'.
"It is essential that all local authorities respond quickly and consistently in cases of potential abuse and protect the safety of the individual.
"Vulnerable people must also be central to decisions made about their protection and safety and this must be reflected in plans produced by local authorities.
"The concerns raised over risk assessments and management plans must be addressed as a matter of priority as they are a vital part of adult protection processes."