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Danny to shave his beard for Age Cymru

Published on 12 November 2015 10:30 AM

A Cardiff man is shaving off the beard he has lovingly cultivated for over three years this Saturday (14 November) for Age Cymru.

Our colleague Danny Owen will be saying goodbye to his five inch beard at his ‘Shavetacular' event at the Cayo Arms on Cathedral Road at 8pm.

"After three years, it's definitely time for a change and the beard has to go", says Danny.

"It's been a long and bumpy road, but I just don't think I can make it through another winter of worrying if there's soup on my face; of strangers poking my chin; or my Mam not talking to me."

"So the time has come and I'm shaving off my beard to raise money for Age Cymru to support the work it does with isolated older people during the winter."

Richard Nicholls, Age Cymru's Director of Income Resources says:

"Good luck this Saturday, Danny - everyone here at Age Cymru is very grateful that you're going ahead with your ‘Shavetacular'.

"You're a great sport for agreeing to shave off your beard - we just hope that people still recognise you without it. "


Last updated: Jan 12 2018

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