Elder abuse complaints
Published on 24 January 2012 10:30 AM
Responding to reports that 1,000 complaints of elder abuse have been upheld against carers across Wales over the past three years, Age Cymru's Director of Influencing and Programme Development Victoria Lloyd says:
"Elder abuse in any way, shape or form is unacceptable and people should be able to live their lives free from the fear of abuse or harm.
"It is vital that authorities investigate the elder abuse allegations that are reported to them and use appropriate sanctions against those suspected of abusing people in their trust.
"A strong message must be sent out that elder abuse will not be tolerated so that those individuals who are suffering abuse themselves - or suspect that someone they know is being abused, can be confident that any allegations they report to the authorities will be thoroughly investigated and dealt with appropriately.
"With an estimated 39,000 older people in Wales suffering elder abuse in their own homes action is desperately needed.
"This is why Age Cymru's Rule Out Abuse campaign is calling for a legal obligation to investigate suspected cases of abuse to be placed on the authorities as it would be a significant step forward in ruling out elder abuse in Wales once and for all."
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