Falls Awareness Week 2013
Published on 12 June 2013 12:30 PM
A Wales-wide week of activities to help stop older people falling over and injuring themselves starts next Monday - June 17.
Falls Awareness Week is an annual safety campaign that is run by Age Cymru.
During the week, we work with organisations across Wales to give advice to older people on how to prevent falls.
This year's theme is Best Foot Forward and it will look at how healthy feet can help older people keep their balance and independence.
Rosalyn Williams, Age Cymru's Health Initiatives Officer says:
"Falling can leave older people shaken and bruised - often with broken bones - and half of all over 80 and a third over 65s are at risk of a potentially serious fall this year.
"Falling and the fear of falling can also affect older people's confidence which stops them getting out and about in their communities, leaving them feeling isolated and cut-off from society.
"Many of us do not actually realise that there are foot-related health conditions that can affect our balance and increase our risk of falling.
"This is why Falls Awareness Week this year is looking at foot health."
Age Cymru's tips for looking after your feet:
• Always report any problems with your feet - such as pain or reduced sensation, to your GP or practice nurse;
• Wear shoes that fit well. High-sided shoes with low heels and thin soles with a good grip can help if you feel unsteady. Make sure they're firmly secured with laces or Velcro;
• Avoid wearing sandals and shoes with high heels;
• Wear slippers that have a good grip and that fasten and stay on properly - make sure they aren't loose or worn out, as this may cause you to trip;
• Make sure that your trousers or skirts don't trail on the ground;
• Always wear shoes or slippers, and don't walk indoors in bare feet, socks or tights;