Fashion show at our Monmouth shop
Published on 26 May 2016 11:30 AM
MONMOUTH's Age Cymru charity shop is holding a summer fashion show on Friday 3 June.
It is taking place between 7pm and 9pm at the shop in the Oldway Centre, which is just off the town's Monnow Street.
"Please come along and support our summer fashion show on 3 June - it's going to be a great night", says Carol Hoskins, the manager of the Age Cymru shop in Monmouth.
"As well as showing off some of the stylish clothes that we've got on sale at the shop - which you will be able to buy on the night, there'll be a glass of wine available and some great raffle prizes.
"We've got a canoe trip for two people down the river Wye with Canoe the Wye Hire; afternoon tea at Salt and Pepper and a Sunday lunch for two at the Royal Oak among the prizes.
"There's also a bottle of champagne and a big box chocolates also up for grabs", adds Carol.
Tickets are available by calling into the shop or telephoning 01600 715976 or emailing