Free scams advice door hanger
Published on 03 May 2012 01:00 PM
Wales's over 50s can now protect themselves from dodgy doorstep traders and postal scams thanks to Age Cymru and Western Power Distribution (WPD).
We've teamed up with WPD to provide handy fact-packed door hangers which give valuable advice and guidance to help older people keep crooks at bay.
Age Cymru's Elder Abuse programme manager Louise Hughes says:
"Older people need to be able to feel safe and secure in their homes and be confident that they can spot scams and cons.
"This is why Age Cymru and WPD have teamed up to produce these handy door hangers.
"We've printed eight handy tips on them to remind older people about what to do if an unexpected caller knocks their door, or they get a scam letter in the post."
WPD's Network Services Manager for Wales, Phil Davies explained:
"We are delighted to be working with Age Cymru to try and combat these types of scams which can have a devastating affect on older people.
"We hope the door hanger scheme will empower and protect people and help them to feel safe and secure in their own homes.
"All WPD staff carry identity cards incorporating information which, on those rare occasions when we have to call at people's homes, can be easily verified by customers."
The door hanger is available from Age Cymru shops, Age Cymru Enterprises offices, Age Cymru partners at