Free thermometers
Published on 01 December 2011 04:30 PM
Wales's over 60s can get a free thermometer to make sure their homes are warm enough this winter.
Our Spread the Warmth campaign has produced the thermometers with Wales & West Utilities to help older people stay in good health over the winter.
Age Cymru's Keep Well this Winter Coordinator Joanne Bass explains:
"Older people need to look after their health during the winter months because the cold can have a detrimental effect on their health.
"Exposure to cold temperatures can lead to older people suffering from hypothermia and increase the risk of a stroke, heart attack or respiratory illnesses.
"This is why it is so important that older people are able to monitor the temperature in their homes and keep it between the safe range of 65 and 70 degrees Farenheit, which is 18 to 21 degrees Celsius."
The back of the bilingual thermometer card contains handy tips to help older people prepare for cold weather and advice on reporting suspected gas leaks.
Wales & West Utilities' Head of Corporate Affairs Jackie Roe says:
"We are more likely to use gas appliances - such as our central heating systems and gas fires, during the winter months and this makes it a particularly important time to know what to do in the event of a gas leak.
"The thermometer card we have produced with Age Cymru to help ensure older people are safe and well this winter lists the five simple steps to take if they smell gas in their homes.
"It also provides the all important national gas emergency telephone number".
The thermometers are available from Age Cymru's offices, local partners and shops across Wales.
Stocks of the thermometers are limited so make sure you get one before they run out.