Gas and electricity price increases
Published on 12 May 2011 09:30 AM
Responding to media reports today that the Bank of England is predicting that gas prices may rise by 15 per cent and electricity prices by 10 per cent this winter, Victoria Lloyd, Age Cymru's Director of Influencing and Programme Development says:
"Age Cymru is very concerned about today's reports that there may be sharp increase in energy prices this winter.
"High energy prices worsen the problem of fuel poverty which contributes to an average 1,500 excess winter deaths among older people every year in Wales.
"Social tariffs offer an important mechanism for protecting the most vulnerable customers from fuel poverty as they can provide cheaper energy deals and extra services to help consumers.
"Social tariffs will be replaced over the coming years by an automatic rebate on energy bills for vulnerable customers.
"We have provisionally welcomed this move as it should ensure more people are getting the help they need.
"Age Cymru is calling on the UK Government to ensure that this rebate constitutes a significant step towards supporting all fuel poor customers."