Gwanwyn 2017 Voices of Eve: Reduced Womanhood
Published on 08 May 2017 09:00 AM
From 9 to 13 May 2017 Chapter Arts Centre is hosting a series of monologues as part of Gwanwyn 2017, Wales's only annual national arts festival for over 50s.
Six women will each tell of a jig-saw piece in their own life in the performance of Voices of Eve: Reduced Womanhood. They each tell their stories across years of being and decades of existing. They share so many things - massive moments in human existence. The entire spectrum from joy to grief, love to hate and life to death. Six magnified moments in six lives.
Emma Robinson, Gwanwyn's Coordinator says: "Gwanwyn 2017 is all about encouraging people to get inspired, get immersed and get involved. We're proud and excited to be collaborating with Chapter and Michael Corbidge to host these performances as part of the festival. Michael is the Senior Voice and Text Associate at the Royal Shakespeare Company. I am delighted to be welcoming Michael back to Cardiff, following his voice workshops for older performers earlier this year. We hope that access to performances like these will inspire older people to become more engaged and involved in arts and creativity throughout the year."
Age Cymru is delivering the eleventh Gwanwyn festival with a month long calendar of events, activities and exhibitions throughout Wales with support from the Welsh Government and the Arts Council of Wales.
Voices of Eve: Reduced Womanhood
Three monologues will be performed each evening or afternoon:
Tuesday 9, Thursday 11 and Saturday13 May at 19:30pm.
One Bed Three Pillows performed by Alison Shephard. The bed is a silent witness. It never makes a value judgement. It just does its job.
Pashmina Princess performed by Lynn Hoare. A woman finds some of her lost youth, beauty, libido and a man half her age.
Granny Ig performed by Angela Deveraux. Her make up box is an armoury of amunition waging war against mother nature! Will she win?
Wednesday 10, Friday 12 and Saturday 13 May at 14:30pm
Fridge Magnet Syndrome performed by Martine Palmer. When is a mother not a mother? When her fridge is empty.
Tick! performed by Sarah Bawler. A kidnapped actress languishes in an empty theatre due to her pathological lying and lateness.
May Day performed by Rebecca Price. May is 87 years old. She has dementia. Every day is a May day. A call for help. Does anyone hear?
Tickets £10 or See all 6 monologues - book two shows for £16. Call the Box Office on 029 2030 4400 to book this special offer.
Age: 16+ (contains adult content & language)
Duration: 2hrs 45min
This event supports Dementia month at Chapter.