Gwanwyn celebrates teenage Saturday nights
Published on 25 June 2013 02:30 PM
Llandudno will be hosting a unique event this weekend that celebrates older and younger people's experiences of Saturday nights.
‘What does a teenage Saturday Night out mean to you?' is taking place at the Mostyn gallery on Saturday 29 June.
It's all part of the Commissioner's Choice project by the Gwanwyn arts festival for over 50s from Age Cymru and the Older People's Commissioner for Wales.
Claire Bottomley, our Healthy Ageing Manager says:
"Saturday night is a teenage rite of passage that provides a rich seam of stories that we can probably all relate to and enjoy together.
"Getting younger and older people to share their experiences through projects such as the Commissioner's Choiceis a great way to build bridges between the generations.
"It helps to bring everyone closer by giving us a different perspective on familiar situations as wellas teaching us that even though the world changes, we're not as different from each other as we may once have thought."
A film made by local 15-25 year-olds - the Circuit/Cylch, about older people's memories of Saturday nights will have its public premier at the event.
There'll also be a soundscape installation and sensory memory boxes made by the Mostyn Ninjas - a group of 11-13-year-olds from the area, on show.
Sarah Rochira, the Older People's Commissioner for Wales, comments:
"Travelling extensively across Wales as Commissioner, I have seen for myself just how much older people and younger people have in common so I was delighted to support this project through the Commissioner's Choice award.
"Projects like this are an important way to challenge the stereotypes often faced by older people and younger people alike, which can often lead to negative treatment and discrimination.
"But more than that, projects like this and the other Commissioner's Choice projects are a great way to bring the generations together in an innovative and enjoyable way."
Members of the public can experience the film and soundscape installation and sensory memory boxes at Mostyn on Saturday 29 June.
There will also be jive dancing, an indoor garden tea party, games and photography exhibition from 2pm onwards.
Mostyn is located at 12 Vaughan Street, Llandudno LL30 1AB.