Happy birthday Age Cymru
Published on 11 April 2012 10:30 AM
Age Cymru is three years old and here's a message to mark this event from our Chief Executive Robert Taylor OBE.
Dear friend,
Age Cymru is three years old.
It seems like a long time ago since we formed Age Cymru in 2009 by combining Age Concern Cymru and Help the Aged in Wales.
Over the last three years Age Cymru has achieved a lot - far too much to mention here, but for starters, we have:
• campaigned to bring an end to elder abuse in Wales with our Rule Out Abuse campaign;
• worked with older people's groups across Wales to save our public toilet network;
• given practical help and support to tens of thousands of older people in Wales through our Information & Advice services;
• run our popular Nordic Walking programme to bring health and fitness to 200 older people a week across Wales, as part of our Healthy Ageing programme;
• provided grants and support to many local pensioners clubs and societies;
• established successful new brand partnership arrangements with a number of former Age Concerns in Wales to maximise the positive impact we can have on the lives of older people;
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all the individuals and organisations who have supported Age Cymru over the last three years, and who continue to work with us.
Looking to the future, Age Cymru will continue to campaign and work with our partners across Wales to make a difference to the lives of older people.
Please help us to continue our work and make a donation to Age Cymru today.
Yours sincerely,
Robert Taylor OBE
Chief Executive Age Cymru