Happy New Year 2017 from Age Cymru
Published on 01 January 2017 08:00 AM
Happy New Year from Age Cymru
2016 was a busy year for Age Cymru - the Age Cymru Awards saw us paying tribute to and recognising the role of some of society's unsung heroes who make Wales a better place for older people.
We celebrated the tenth anniversary of our Gwanwyn arts festival for over 50s which saw 10,000 older people taking part in arts and creative activities with us in May.
Working with banks, building societies, police forces, utility companies, trading standards departments and the Older People's Commissioner for Wales, we launched the Wales Against Scams Partnership (WASP), to help protect older and vulnerable people from scams.
Age Cymru Advice - our free, independent, confidential and impartial information and advice service dealt with 10,000 enquiries on a range of issues, including benefits and care at home.
We also marked older people's contribution to society with our annual national celebration Age Positive Week, which again saw groups across the country joining in our celebrations.
I'd like to thank all the companies, organisations, individuals, volunteers, donors and fundraisers who worked with and gave their time and energy to Age Cymru in 2016.
I'd also like to thank Age Cymru's local charity partners whose tireless work in communities across Wales last year helped make a real difference to the lives of thousands of older people.
Finally, I'd like to wish you all a peaceful and prosperous New Year and assure you that Age Cymru will continue with our mission of creating an age friendly Wales where older people can lead happy and fulfilling lives.
Happy New Year,
Ian Thomas
Chief Executive, Age Cymru