Happy New Year from Age Cymru
Published on 21 December 2015 04:00 PM
2015 was a busy time for Age Cymru - we ran our Wales-wide Gwanwyn arts festival for older people and a recruitment drive for volunteers to work with our Nordic walking and the ‘Add to your Life' programmes.
We visited care homes across Wales with our ‘My Home Life Cymru' programme and continued to call for greater government protection for older people from scams.
Age Cymru celebrated the achievements and contributions of the unsung heroes who make a difference to the lives of older people through the Age Cymru Awards.
Our Age Positive Week celebration of age and ageing went from strength to strength and we expanded our Age Cymru Advice information and advice service.
We also worked with some amazing individuals and organisations - including our local Age Cymru charity partners, our funders, donors and volunteers in 2015.
I'd like to thank you all for your backing and I hope you'll continue to support us in 2016.
This coming year Age Cymru will be pressing ahead with developing and campaigning for an age friendly Wales.
With an election in May, we will be asking newly-elected Welsh Assembly Members to get behind our calls for a Wales where older people can prosper.
Finally, I would like to wish you all a happy, peaceful and prosperous New Year.
Yours sincerely,
Ian Thomas,
Chief Executive, Age Cymru