Healthy lifestyle lengthens your life
Published on 31 August 2012 03:00 PM
Commenting on research out today that claims being active and having a healthy lifestyle into you seventies can make a substantial difference to life expectancy, Graeme Francis - Age Cymru's Head of Policy and Public Affairs says:
"Today's research confirms that having a healthy lifestyle does pay dividends and that it can add six years to a man's life and five years to a woman's life expectancy.
"The benefits of exercising and having a balanced diet should therefore be obvious, but the findings of the Welsh Health Survey 2012: Physical Health in Wales, which were published on Wednesday, showed that 1 in 3 of us does not to any exercise at all.
"While it is common knowledge that we are all living longer and healthier and free from illness for longer - and today's findings would seem to provide a blueprint to ensure that this pattern continues, clearly there is work to be done to persuade more people of the benefits of adopting healthier lifestyles."