Home safety and security advice
Published on 08 April 2016 01:30 PM
We're teaming up with Wales & West Utilties, the supporter of our HandyVan service, to offer you tips on keeping your home safe and secure.
Age Cymru and Wales & West Utilities' home safety tips
• Be sure to lock all outside doors and windows. Many burglaries happen during the afternoon, so even if you're just popping out always lock up fully before you go.
•If you are out for the evening, leave a front room light on (not just the hall) and consider putting the radio on too. An opportunistic thief may think there's someone in the house and be put off.
• Get a carbon monoxide detector. Carbon monoxide is known as a ‘silent killer' because you can't see, taste or smell it. A carbon monoxide detector will flash and sound an audible alarm if it detects carbon monoxide. When you buy a carbon monoxide detector, make sure it bears the Kitemark and European Standard number BS EN 50291.
•Before you open your door, remember - Lock; Stop; Chain; Check:
o all your other outer doorsLock before you go to the front door. Some burglars work together - one keeps you chatting on the doorstep while another gets in through a back door.
o Stop and think about whether you're expecting anyone.
o Put the door chain on (don't keep the chain on all the time as it will prevent anyone with a key from entering, such as a carer). Look through the window or spy-hole to see who is there.
o Ask for an identity card and check it carefully. If you don't want to be disturbed by cold callers, consider putting up a ‘no cold callers' sign on your door. Remember: if in doubt, keep them out. If you're still suspicious, dial 999 and ask for the police.