John Lewis Cardiff supports Age Cymru
Published on 14 December 2015 01:00 PM
John Lewis Cardiff is opening its doors to Age Cymru and helping us raise funds for our ‘No one should have no one' campaign.
We will be at the Cardiff city centre store promoting the campaign and handing out bags for life to Christmas shoppers from Tuesday 15 December.
"John Lewis really understands the work we do and the importance of providing company and kindness to older people - especially at this time of year - the ‘Man on the Moon' TV advert is proof of that", says Richard Nicholls our Director of Income Resources.
" ‘No one should have no one' is Age Cymru's campaign to provide advice and guidance to older people on how to keep well, warm and safe this winter and it is an incredible privilege for Age Cymru to have the support of John Lewis for this important work" adds Richard
John Lewis Cardiff has also teamed up with Age Cymru and Age Connects Cardiff and the Vale on a project called ‘The Giving Tree'.
‘The Giving Tree' is a Christmas tree on the first floor at the John Lewis store in Cardiff.
It gives members of the public a chance to buy a Christmas gift for a potentially lonely older person.
Shoppers can choose a present by picking a gift tag from the tree and then taking it to a till where they pay for the gift.
The gifts will be presented to older people who use Age Cymru and Age Connects Cardiff and the Vale's services, including befriending schemes and hospital discharge services.