Justgiving survey
Published on 06 August 2012 11:30 AM
Commenting on research out today from Justgiving that shows a 459% increase in online donations from over-60s between 2007 and 2011, Age Cymru's Meryl Randell-Jones says:
"It's very interesting to note that there has been such a huge increase in the amount of online donations made by over-60s in the last five years.
"This increase obviously reflects a rise in the numbers of over-60s who are now using the internet as part of their day-to-day lives, and are tuned into the life-enhancing potential of digital technology.
"It's also very encouraging, to note that charities dealing with older people's issues - such as Age Cymru, have been among the main beneficiaries of this move towards increased online donations."
"As Wales's largest charity for older people, Age Cymru relies on, and is always grateful for any donations we receive from, members of the public - this is a very practical and effective way of supporting the work that we do."