Monmouthshire County Council donation
Published on 27 October 2014 09:30 AM
Thank you to Councilllor David Dovey - former chairman of Monmouthshire County Council.
Age Cymru was one of Councillor's Dovey's chosen charities during his term of office from May 2013 to May 2014.
Our colleague Nia Butler recently visited Monmouthshire County Council to collect a £2,500 cheque from Councillor Dovey and his Chairman's Lady, Mrs Stephanie Dovey.
Says Nia:
"We very much appreciate this wonderful donation raised by Councillor Dovey - the former chairman of Monmouthshire County Council.
"Age Cymru is the largest and leading charity for older people in Wales and this will go a long way to help us with our mission of improving life for older people".
Councillor Dovey commented:
"Age Cymru carries out magnificent work and provide a valuable service for some of the most vulnerable in society so I'm delighted that we were able to raise funds for these worthwhile causes.
"I'd like to pass on my sincere thanks to all those who helped and contributed towards raising funds".