My Home Life Cymru Annual Conference
Published on 15 January 2014 12:00 PM
We are now taking bookings for the My Home Life Cymru Annual Conference.
It is being held in Cardiff on Thursday 27 March and is the only conference in Wales dedicated to the care home sector.
The My Home Life Cymru Annual Conference provides information and support for those involved in the sector and this year's theme is ‘Getting the most out of good practice in care homes'.
There will be presentations and discussions focussing on how existing good practice can shape future care home provision.
We will also be running a selection of workshops at the My Home Life Cymru Annual Conference covering such topics as:
• CSSIW -busting myths and defining direction;
• Alive! - connecting older people with their hobbies, passions and memories;
• Sight loss, dementia and the built environment;
• REAL communication - essential ingredients that make up engaged, caring and meaningful interaction;
• Men's sheds - Providing meaningful activity for male residents;
The keynote speaker at the My Home Life Cymru Annual Conference will be Gwenda Thomas AM, Deputy Minister for Children and Social Services.
The Deputy Minister will be presenting her keynote address ‘Supporting care homes to deliver quality'.