National Theatre Wales
Published on 24 February 2014 02:00 PM
Age Cymru is asking the Welsh public to help us win a prestigious National Theatre Wales performance.
We are in the running alongside Swansea-based Judy Barnes to win a National Theatre Wales Assembly event.
National Theatre Wales Assemblies are performance and debate events that respond to local or global issues in a creative setting.
Age Cymru's Arts and Creativity Officer, Emma Robinson, says;
"Too often, our ageing population is seen as a burden on society, but through this Assembly event, Age Cymru and Judy Barnes can celebrate ageing and transform this negative view.
"We're delighted to be nominated for the National Theatre Wales Assembly event, giving us the opportunity to share our stories about arts in older age.
"Vote for us now and encourage your friends, family and colleagues to support older people by celebrating creativity in later life"
The National Theatre Wales event will raise issues about the arts and give the audience an opportunity to discuss and react to what they are seeing.
The closing date for all votes is the 3 March 2014 - vote now by visiting the
Share with your friends, family and colleagues on social media, using the hashtag #ntwassembly to show your support for Age Cymru.