Newtown's 60+ can receive free advocacy support
Published on 30 July 2015 12:00 PM
If you're 60+ and live in Powys you can receive free and confidential advocacy support from Age Cymru Powys.
The charity's team in Newtown is holding ‘advocacy drop-in' sessions between 10:00am - 12.30pm every last Wednesday in the month.
Advocates can help you:
• Sort out practical matters such as writing letters or making difficult phone calls;
• Deal with issues and worries that arise through life changes, e.g. after bereavement or moving into residential care;
• Say what you want with our support;
• Access services to which you may be entitled;
Age Cymru Powys has been operating this service for over seven years and deals with many kinds of issues affecting older people.
If you think the team in Newtown can help you or someone you know, please drop in to see them at 11/12 Severn Street, Newtown, Powys, SY16 1AQ.
Alternatively, call the Builth Wells office on 01982 551918 to make an appointment in Newtown or your own home.