NHS savings
Published on 11 April 2011 10:00 AM
Responding to newspaper reports today that every NHS health boards in Wales is facing the prospect of having to save £1 million a week over the next three years, Age Cymru's Head of Policy and Public Affairs Graeme Francis says:
"Older people have repeatedly told Age Cymru that more support should be provided for personal care in hospital and that nurses should be enabled to spend more time caring for patients.
"Staff time is as a premium, but treating people with dignity and being properly attentive to their care is a vital part of their treatment, rehabilitation and eventual discharge.
"Failure to ensure that people are receiving all the support they need leads to an increased risk of re-admission and dependence.
"Age Cymru is calling on the Welsh Assembly Government to protect frontline staffing levels when it is setting its budgets after the election on 5 May."