No Regrets - over 50s tattoo exhibition
Published on 28 May 2014 10:30 AM
A new exhibition in Cardiff next weekend (31 May) will be getting under the skin of over 50s and asking them the question "Do you really regret your tattoo in older age?"
‘No Regrets', by Age Cymru's Gwanwyn arts festival for older people opens on Richmond Road in the capital city on Saturday 31 May.
Featuring photography by Michal Iwanowski, the exhibition promises to deliver a positive and inspiring study of tattoos on older skin and the stories behind the ink.
Emma Robinson, our Arts & Creativity Development Officer says:
"The idea for ‘No Regrets' came from the notion that people who get tattoos are always told that they will regret them when they're older.
"As Gwanwyn is the Wales-wide, national arts festival for older people, I thought it would be interesting to ask older people if they really do regret their tattoo.
"We are excited to be exhibiting the work at Fat Cat studios on walls typically adorned with graffiti (places typically associated with younger people) and to share the inspiring stories behind the tattoos.
"I'm delighted to be taking Gwanwyn into realms it's never been before and hope that this exhibition will challenge preconceptions on what it's like to be an older person in Wales."
David Bath is a 65-year-old grandfather of two and science fiction aficionado.
He runs a comic shop in Cardiff and is one of the subjects he featured in the ‘No Regrets' exhibition.
Says David:
"My first tattoo was a very small basic symbol to see just what having a tattoo entailed.
"Next was the John Wayne silhouette from closing moments of ‘The Searchers' - one of my favourite films.
"Next came the Adam Strange comic book character who was my favourite in the early 1960s, then I added the Flash and Green Lantern symbols and would next have gone for the Superman/Batman logo across my back but now being on Warfarin after my heart operation, I can have no more ink.
And why did David get tattooed?
"It was a midlife crisis thing perhaps, or the influence of designs I had seen on friends - not really sure why just something I decided to do one day.
"My tattoos are still very significant to me.
"They were chosen with care and I will never regret having them done and they part of who I am - I just wish I could have a couple more and there is always hope of coming off Warfarin."
No Regrets opens at 4pm on Saturday 31 May at
, Fitzroy Street, off Richmond Road in Cardiff.The Welsh Government and Arts Council of Wales support Age Cymru to run the Gwanwyn festival.