Older people and transport report
Published on 25 March 2013 12:00 PM
Commenting on a report from WRVS that says many older people feel depressed, isolated and lonely because of a lack of suitable transport, Age Cymru's Victoria Lloyd says:
"Age Cymru welcome WRVS's highlighting of the problems caused by a shortage of transport for older people.
"Transport and mobility are key issues for older people across Wales, with transport playing a vitally important role in helping people to maintain independence and wellbeing; ensuring communities are well-connected; and that services, facilities and amenities are accessible to all older people.
"Concessionary travel on local bus services has made a significant difference to a large number of older people in Wales by providing a connection to services and amenities and it is vital that free local travel for all older people is protected.
"However a lack of appropriate provision and problems with accessibility means that many people still struggle to access safe, frequent and reliable public transport.
"This is being exacerbated by the current economic situations and reductions in local authority budgets in particular.
"Community transport can play a crucial role in helping people to access essential services by providing services where public transport cannot or does not, and on a door-to-door basis for people with specific mobility needs.
"These services provide an essential lifeline for many older people and we would like to see increased provision across the whole of Wales."