Neglect at Stafford Hospital
Published on 07 February 2013 11:30 AM
Commenting on the publication of the report into neglect of patients at Stafford Hospital, Age Cymru's Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Graeme Francis says:
"The scandal outlined by the Francis Report was a betrayal of the trust placed in the Stafford Hospital.
"It is important that investigating authorities in this case demonstrate their commitment to eradicating such abuses from the NHS and other care settings by exercising the most severe sanctions open to them.
"Age Cymru welcomes the commitment from Welsh Health Minister Lesley Griffiths's to study the Francis Report into the failings at Stafford Hospital and apply any lessons to the NHS in Wales.
"Age Cymru also welcomes yesterday's announcement that Ann Clwyd MP has been made an adviser on how NHS hospitals handle complaints by the UK Government.
"Our Rule Out Abuse campaign is seeking to end the abuse and neglect of older people, wherever it occurs. Our society must not tolerate elder abuse wherever or however it is experienced.
"Age Cymru will continue to work closely with the Older People's Commissioner for Wales to make sure that the findings of the ‘Dignified Care? The experiences of older people in hospital in Wales' report are put into practice. "