Over 65s can stay well with our winter tips
Published on 23 January 2015 09:30 AM
Wales's over 65s can stay well this winter by following our simple health and wellbeing winter tips.
We are recommending older people regularly exercise, contact a befriending scheme for additional support and friendship and have the free flu vaccination.
Our ‘Keep Well This Winter' campaign provides advice to older people in Wales to enable them to maintain good health throughout the winter.
Age Cymru's ‘Keep Well This Winter' Coordinator Angharad Phillips says:
"Make the flu vaccination part of your annual routine, particularly if you are 65 or over, or in an at risk group.
"A balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is important to build our body's immune system - vitamin D and C are particularly important.
"And, keep moving - this is a good way to keep warm. We are currently recruiting volunteers to run gentle exercise classes for us in South Wales."
Are you interested in volunteering for Age Cymru to provide gentle exercise classes for older people in south Wales? Contact us on 029 2043 1555 for further details.
To find out if your local Age Cymru office provides befriending support please contact our advice line on 08000 223 444.