P is for People campaign
Published on 16 November 2011 02:30 PM
Campaigners have taken their fight to save Wales' public toilet network to the Senedd today.
The Welsh Senate for Older People's ‘P is for People' campaign - which is supported by Age Cymru, is calling on the Welsh Government and local authorities to work together to keep public toilets open.
Phyllis Preece of the Welsh Senate for Older People says:
"We gathered outside the Senedd in Cardiff Bay at 10.00 am this morning to send a clear message that the public toilet network around Wales must be saved.
"Public toilets are a lifeline, especially for older people, pregnant women and parents with young children, yet they seem to be disappearing at a rate of knots from our communities.
"The ‘P is for People' campaign has bought people from around the country together at the Welsh Assembly to demonstrate the strength of feeling that there is about saving our public toilets.
"People can become prisoners in their own homes because they are afraid to go outside because there are no public toilets where they live - this is completely unacceptable.
"Unless there is action from the Welsh Government to make it law that local authorities must provide public toilets, we worry that public toilets will become a thing of the past."
The ‘P is for People' campaign has been set up so that people of all ages can be confident that they will be able to find a toilet when they need one.
There is currently no statutory duty on local authorities to provide public toilets in Wales and the Welsh Senate of Older People thinks this is wrong and needs to be addressed.
The British Toilet Association estimates that the UK's public toilets have declined by over 40% in the last decade.