Published on 23 April 2012 12:30 PM
Age Cymru has welcomed today's exposé of elder abuse by the BBC's Panorama.
The episode of the programme being broadcast at 8.30 pm tonight features the harrowing story of 80-year-old Maria Worroll who was manhandled and beaten at a care home in London.
Our Director of Influencing and Programme Development Victoria Lloyd says:
"This case highlights a sickening abuse of trust by individuals who have neglected the duty of care that they have for a vulnerable older woman.
"Elder abuse in any way, shape or form is completely unacceptable and Age Cymru commends Jane Worroll, Mrs Worroll's daughter, for the determination and inventiveness she displayed in exposing the treatment received by her mother.
"This case does highlight the need for a safety net to protect vulnerable adults who may be suffering abuse behind closed doors.
"This is why Age Cymru's Rule Out Abuse campaign is calling for a new law to be introduced in Wales to compel authorities to investigate any allegations or suspicions of elder abuse that are reported to them, or that they become aware of.
"We're also asking members of the public to show their support for Rule Out Abuse by signing our Rule Out Abuse charter."