Pre-Christmas advice for older people
Published on 04 December 2014 03:00 PM
We're giving pre-Christmas advice to older people to help them stay fit and healthy this Christmas.
Our eight 'Keep Well this Winter' top tips will help you, your family and friends stay fit and happy this winter.
Angharad Phillips, 'Keep Well this Winter' Coordinator says:
"Our pre-Christmas advice can help older people to have an enjoyable and healthy Christmas.
"Stocking up on essentials such as long-life healthy foods, and medication for those who need it, can help you feel prepared during the cold months.
"It's really important to value our health and take care of ourselves to reduce the risk of illness.
"We all have a duty of care to check on family and friends and older members of our communities, helping others to have a Merry Christmas."
Our ‘Keep Well this Winter' campaign is a Welsh Government initiative, providing information and advice to help older people to maintain good health throughout the winter months.
Age Cymru's pre-Christmas advice:
- Check that your heating is regulated correctly Heat rooms to 18 -21 C (64 -70 F) - health problems start below this level.
- Keep hydrated
- Drink in hot fluids and at least one hot meal a day (food is fuel)
- Stock up on long-life/non-perishable foods in cupboards and freezer (store foods safely - always read the label)
- The offer of a warm meal or some shopping to an older person is a gift that costs nothing at Christmas - please give generously.
- Be vigilant If there are no lights on in the evening or curtains remain closed in the day then let services know or knock on the door as you could save an older person's life.
- To obtain a copy of the Keep Well this Winter checklist and ‘Winter Wrapped Up' booklet, which contains more extensive tips as well as useful information about health and benefits, visit or contact 029 2043 1555.