Protection of Vulnerable Adults
Published on 21 February 2011 12:00 PM
Commenting on the publication of the ‘Report of the Protection of Vulnerable Adults Project Board' by the Welsh Assembly Government, Louise Hughes, Age Cymru's Elder Abuse Programme Manager says:
"We welcome the publication of this report of the Protection of Vulnerable Adult Project Board.
"Its two overarching recommendations - reviewing legislation and replacing the statutory guidance for adult protection to make it fit for purpose, will be fundamental in ensuring that vulnerable people in Wales are better protected from abuse.
"This, along with stronger national leadership, will ensure that adult protection is given the priority it must have from the Welsh Assembly Government and local agencies dealing with the abuse of vulnerable adults.
"We believe that legislation must address the gaps in the current system including the duty to investigate and the duty to co-operate so that vulnerable adults get better outcomes from investigations.
"Independent advocacy is a key service in supporting older people who have been abused and in putting them at the centre of decisions about their life.
"We are pleased that the report to the Minister recognises the importance of advocacy in adult protection and that it will be considered as part of the review of legislation.
"We hope that the outcomes from the review and the new and updated statutory guidance are implemented as a matter of priority and that all agencies involved in adult protection ensure a cohesive and consistent multi agency approach to adult protection in Wales.