Public libraries
Published on 25 February 2011 11:30 AM
Responding to reports today that Welsh councils have been told they must continue to provide library services during the current economic climate, Age Cymru Policy Advisor Amy Clifton says:
"Public spaces like libraries, where people can meet and take part in community-based activities provide an invaluable service to communities across Wales.
"Older people from all areas of Wales have told us via the Community Calculator, our tool which enabled people to audit their community, that places to meet, learn and socialise are increasingly at risk and that many have already closed.
"Age Cymru is campaigning for age-friendly communities which are suitable and empowering for people of all ages, with a design and facilities that assist people to enjoy health, wellbeing and quality of life.
"Older people value the opportunities that libraries provide for them to participate in community life.
"The chance to get involved locally also helps to prevent isolation, loneliness and health decline among older people.
"There is also a growing body of evidence that shows that well targeted local activities can help prevent admissions into hospitals and care homes."