Public toilet closure proposals
Published on 08 January 2013 11:30 AM
Commenting on newspaper reports that Anglesey Council is discussing proposals to close its network of public toilets as part of a bid to save £3.45 million over the next year, Age Cymru's Graeme Francis says:
"The fact that local authorities are contemplating closing public toilets is a great concern to Age Cymru.
"This is very clear evidence of the threat that is facing our network of public toilets in the current economic climate.
"This development reinforces our opinion that a new law is needed that compels local authorities to provide public toilets, as theoretically, there is nothing to stop all local authorities in Wales closing every public toilet in the country, to cut costs.
"The buck has to stop somewhere and without a law to protect public toilets, we fear that these proposals being discussed on Anglesey will become a reality, which could be mirrored by cash-strapped local authorities across Wales.
"Public toilets are a lifeline for many older people, providing them with the freedom, independence and the confidence they need to lead fulfilling and active lives.
"The Welsh Government must act now and investigate solutions to address the decline and threats to the survival of public toilets in Wales."