Ian Thomas on BBC's Wales Report tonight
Published on 22 January 2014 02:00 PM
Age Cymru's Chief Executive, Ian Thomas will be appearing 'The Wales Report' at 10.45pm on BBC One Wales tonight.
Ian will be speaking about the need to protect older and vulnerable people from abuse while they are in care.
During an interview filmed with the programme last week, Ian said:
"We believe that training and regulation of home care staff must improve.
"It is unfortunate that providing home care is given a low status in our society, with low wages, as well as a lack of a structured career path.
"We believe that mandatory dementia awareness, equality and human rights training, including dignity and respect principles, should be provided to all care staff."
According to a recent report by the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales (CSSIW) and the Health Inspectorate Wales (HIW), the need for improved training in relation to dementia has been acknowledged by the domiciliary care sector.
Many of our local Age Cymru partners are very concerned about the current quality of homecare in their area, with reports suggesting that homecare packages are being cut to 15-20 minute calls.
One older person had to have cold baths as there was not enough time to wait for the boiler to heat the water in a 20 minute call - a sad example shared with us from a local partner.
Ian Thomas continued;
"To prevent these situations from happening, we would like to see an end to 15 minute care visits and task-based approaches to care plans and commissioning.
"Our overriding priority is ensuring high standards of dignified care, and safeguarding vulnerable older people from abuse and neglect.
"We welcome the aims of the white paper to improve standards and the recognition of the need for change in the wake of the Francis Report, Operation Jasmine, and Mid Staffordshire Trust failings."