Social care law reform
Published on 11 May 2011 02:30 PM
Age Cymru has welcomed today's call from the Law Commission for reform of adult social care law to ensure better access to services in England and Wales.
Victoria Lloyd, Age Cymru's Director of Influencing and Programme says:
"We welcome and strongly support the Law Commission's recommendations for a radical overhaul of adult social care law.
"The current care system itself is a complex maze that people find difficult to understand and navigate.
"Older people who enter the care system often feel that they have been stripped of their rights and of their status as equal citizens before the law.
"An increasing number of cases, at great expense, are ending up in court with a judge having to decide what the law actually means.
"The Law Commission's recommendations combined with the new legislative powers in Wales following the referendum provide a one off opportunity to put in place a clear, logical and consistent framework that works for the older people of Wales."