South Wales Fire and Rescue Service
Published on 03 February 2017 11:00 AM
We've partnered up with South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWFRS) during February and Cold Homes Week to promote home safety to older home owners.
"South Wales Fire and Rescue Service is supporting the ‘Spread the Warmth' campaign to make a difference to the lives of the vulnerable in south Wales' communities," said Group Manager Matthew Jones of SWFRS.
"We make around 23,000 home visits every year to make our communities safer. We are happy to be supporting Age Cymru's key messages alongside our own and hope this will enable vulnerable people to access the services that they may require."
South Wales Fire and Rescue Service will be distributing Age Cymru Advice calling cards to the homes of people it visits during Cold Homes Week and displaying posters at its 47 locations.
Gavin Thomas, Services Manager at Age Cymru says:
"Age Cymru Advice is our free and impartial telephone service and it can offer information and advice on a range of issues including help with heating costs, saving energy, switching energy suppliers and more - we can even send you a free thermometer card to help you check the temperature in your home. Just call us today on 08000 223 444 for more information."