The Francis Report - Age Cymru comments
Published on 19 November 2013 04:00 PM
Commenting on the publishing of the Francis Report today, Age Cymru's Head of Policy & Public Affairs Graeme Francis says:
"Age Cymru welcomes the publication of the Francis Report.
"The neglect at Stafford Hospital was on a horrific scale which contributed to the deaths of hundreds of patients.
"Older people are the members of society who are most likely to need hospital treatment and many older people in hospital are frail, with often complex care needs and possibly dementia.
"This is why it is important that our hospitals are equipped to care for these older people with skill and compassion.
"It is also critical that the NHS ensures that all staff - every doctor, nurse and healthcare assistant - has the proper skills to care for older people.
"Age Cymru hopes the Welsh Government will study the findings of the Francis Report and make use of the learning and recommendations that have come from it to make sure that hospital patients in Wales are protected from such inhumane treatment."