Transport report
Published on 10 February 2011 03:00 PM
Age Cymru has welcomed a report by a cross-party group of Assembly Members that highlights concerns that many disabled people are very often not able to use public transport in Wales.
The Equality of Opportunity Committee report also flags up worries that disability groups are not being consulted when public transport plans are being produced.
Victoria Lloyd of Age Cymru says:
"Public transport is a lifeline for many people in today's society, particularly those who may have mobility problems, including older people.
"This is why it is vitally important that public transport is available to everyone.
"We are very concerned, but not surprised, by the report's findings that user groups are not being consulted about public transport plans.
"Age Cymru provided evidence to the Committee during their inquiry and the issues discussed are the same that older people have raised with us through our recent Community Calculator exercise.
"Public planners have a responsibility to make sure that people are able to access the services that they need.
"Public planners must also make sure that they hold meaningful consultations with anyone whose lives will be affected by a decision that they will be making.
"Decisions on such important matters as public transport plans must take into account the needs of all sectors of society."